Brow lift
A common issue associated with ageing is the lowering of the eyebrows, which can create a more stern or upset appearance. Non-surgical treatments can help lift the eyebrows by altering the tone of the muscles.
In some cases, the lateral part of the eyebrows may be low even from a young age. In these situations, surgery tends to provide better results than non-surgical approaches. Forehead lifts can take several forms:
- Open procedure: Less commonly used nowadays due to the longer scar within the hairline.
- Combined eyebrow elevation and hairline advancement: Places the scar at the edge of the hairline.
- Endoscopic approach: Utilises a keyhole technique to lift the eyebrows, particularly in the lateral component but sometimes also in the central part.
- Temporal lift:Focuses solely on the lateral part of the eyebrow and involves access scars within the temple hairline.
Forehead lift or temporal lift procedures can also address minor skin excess in the upper eyelids. The selection of the most suitable technique will be discussed during the consultation to ensure the best possible outcome for each patient.

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