Neck lift
The contour of the neck plays a crucial role in contributing to an elegant and youthful appearance of the face. It can be affected by volume, laxity, or a combination of both factors. Changing the girth of the neck for a more slender appearance can significantly alter the perception of one's facial shape.
Our research into the characteristics of neck volume and surface relationships has enabled us to develop different treatment protocols that ensure safety and cater to the unique needs of individual patients.
In some cases, reducing volume in the superficial and deeper planes can create dramatic changes without the need for skin tightening. In other situations, it may be necessary to combine facelift and neck lift procedures to achieve the best outcome.
The main categories of neck contouring through neck lift include:
- Anterior neck lift, with no skin reduction.
- Isolated neck lift, primarily involving skin tightening behind the ears.
- Formal or typical neck lift, which also includes skin tightening with scars in front of the ears. In our practice, this is generally a Deep plane neck lift

more face rejuvenation
Deep plane facelift Short scar facelift Deep plane neck lift Brow lift BlepharoplastyGallery
More case studies and before and after photographs of facial rejuvenation surgery performed by Lucian Ion.
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